Jan. 14, 2021 CYNTHIA A. FISHER: “Real Prices in Healthcare Mean Real Savings for Consumers and Businesses Starting Now”.
Virtual Meeting – Jan. 14, 2021
Cynthia A. Fisher is a life sciences entrepreneur, independent investor, and corporate board director. Cynthia founded PatientRightsAdvocate.org, an advocacy organization for the American public and employers seeking to greatly reduce the cost of healthcare and coverage through systemwide price transparency and creation of a functional, competitive marketplace in healthcare. Cynthia is a public company Director of The Boston Beer Company (SAM), and Easterly Government Properties, Inc. (DEA). Cynthia founded the pioneering cord blood stem cell banking company, ViaCord, Inc., in 1993 and served as CEO. In 2000, Cynthia co-founded the cellular medicines company, ViaCell, Inc, of which ViaCord became a division. She served as President and on the Board of Directors. ViaCell went public, was acquired by Perkin Elmer, and exists today under the ViaCord brand. Cynthia co-founded and is Chairman of FitMoney.org, providing schools and teachers curriculum for K-12 financial literacy. She is a Director of theNational Park Foundation, Board Advisor to Boston Children Hospital’s Medical Center for Sports InjuryPrevention, and formerly served on the Board of Water.org. She is the former Speaker of the House’s appointee to the Health Information Technology Advisory Committee. Cynthia holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, as well as an Honorary Doctorate of Science and BS in Biophysics from Ursinus College.